Saturday, July 30, 2011

Friday, July 29, 2011

Will's acupuncture

Will working on a in-patient with back problems

Will's work on a stroke victim

The 6 am wakeup cow

just like this ... all morning ....

Thursday, July 28, 2011

3 mo. old baby goat video

More randoms

I found wine in Nepal! It is from Australia tho... Still really good
Me and Krisna the paramedic going to his wife's house on his bike for the afternoon
This kid was obsessed with trying to eat my finger

6 am cow

So there was some type of funeral ritual that has been going on for the last two weeks at my apartment. Today was the last day and they put a cow in the doorway at 6:00 am on my only day off of the week and it was super loud and wouldnt shut up all morning. suffice it to say neither Will nor I got to sleep in

The effects of walking for 7 hours in the sun at high altitude without sunscreen

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The walk home from Culte

Our two "guides" leading the way
Taking a break 1/4 of the way up the hill
Walking through the rice fields
Some young girls playing with a jump rope at the top of the hill


Will and I got tricked into going on a "2-3" hour walk to Culte to do some malaria testing and prevention training.

After a 4 hour trek almost entirely uphill we made it to the health post in Culte. Will was very excited.
The fields of Culte
Me from the top of the hill. this was a little over 3 hours into the hike. I'm not sure if you can see but Dhading is in the background at the very bottom
The two public health workers from Dhading Hospital that were our guides to Culte. (They didn't know the way there any more than Will and I did)
Two young goats outside a house on our way out of Dhading. Probably each less than a month old.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

The night at Sunita's house

Breakfast... 5am... time to walk to school...

3 month old goat
Sunita's mom cooking dinner (Dal Bhat)
Left to Right: Sunita and Sarita on our way to Sunita's house
Jack fruit at the neighbors

Friday, July 22, 2011

Will and I go for an adventure

Planting rice is a muddy job
Dhading from the rice fields by the river
Will leading the way
Waterfalls are abundant in Dhading

Malaria and a funeral

A positive test for malaria in the lab
Funeral procession

More random pics

The bridge at the bottom of the city to Sankosh

Two dogs escaping the heat under the ambulance

The sunset over Sankosh
Badminton in the streets!
One of the kids from the city gave me this. Really nice


This month in Nepal is a special festival where all of the girls where green bracelets and put henna on their hands. I let one of the girls do my arm.
With the henna on my arm
One of the girls finished hands
Saraswati's hand being hennaed by Sarita. Sarita was married at 17 in an arranged marriage to a 25 year old. She is 18 now.
Sarita starting the henna process

Kids and chickens

He is 7
Cute kid, he is is in lab every day all day with his brother because its summer vacation. He speaks english pretty well
The girl below on the right is named Goma and I apparently offended her because I touched her book with my shoe. I had no idea until one of her friends told me about a week later that she was still mad at me. So Will suggested that I buy her a chicken to make it up to her. Will and I joked that by buying a chicken for her and her family I may accidentally be proposing and when I handed her the chicken Goma said, "I will not madding you," which to both Will and I sounded like "I will not marry you." Anyway Will and I had a good laugh. the chicken worked and Will and I were invited for dinner.

Goma and her younger bother and sister at their book shop in Saran Bazar


A man carrying his chickens to market
Two apples given to me by the neighbor boy
A man outside my window harvesting rice
My first sandwich in over 3 weeks. Chicken, just like mom used to make
Dal Bhat. This is what everyone eats for dinner every night