Saturday, July 2, 2011

The monkey temple and Kathmandu

Cows wander around the city of Kathmandu, often in the streets. Here is a whole family on the main street of Kathmandu

A Kathmandu Tuk Tuk! these are common in the city but I have not yet had the pleasure of riding in oneThe many streets of Kathmandu all look like this. It is very crowded and people drive down them honking their horns constantly

this picture is from the top of the monkey temple that overlooks all of kathmandu. the eyes are on all four sides and symbolize god watching over the city

A view of the city from the monkey temple. This is just one angle. It is the same 360 degrees around the temple.

Prayer wheels. People spin the wheels as they walk around the temple
One of the many monkeys at the monkey temple