Sunday, September 11, 2011

Pictures for mom

Swimming in the river

yesterday it was blazing hot here in Dhading and the power was out all day. That doesn't just mean no fan, it also means no water... so instead of showering we went where we claimed we would never go and swam in the river.

taylor's form was perfect

Monday, September 5, 2011

here are some awesome outfits

this guy wears this almost every day - its a festival dress
angry birds in nepal
donald duck

bob marley

Friday, September 2, 2011

Favorite outfits

So I have found out that Nepali people like wearing shirts with English writing on them, however, they don't take the time to find out what the shirts say. Here are some of my favorites:

"Sorry Boys, dad says I can't date till I'm 30!"
"Handsome never goes hungry!"

"I'm like so hot"

"I don't know?"

"TOOL - not the band, I'm just a tool"

Taylor saving lives

Taylor donating blood
this is the girl who got Taylor's blood. She is doing much better now

Another holiday

A street play about women's rights/trafficking

Dancing at the cantine. all of the girls are in their best outfits