Sunday, September 11, 2011

Pictures for mom

Swimming in the river

yesterday it was blazing hot here in Dhading and the power was out all day. That doesn't just mean no fan, it also means no water... so instead of showering we went where we claimed we would never go and swam in the river.

taylor's form was perfect

Monday, September 5, 2011

here are some awesome outfits

this guy wears this almost every day - its a festival dress
angry birds in nepal
donald duck

bob marley

Friday, September 2, 2011

Favorite outfits

So I have found out that Nepali people like wearing shirts with English writing on them, however, they don't take the time to find out what the shirts say. Here are some of my favorites:

"Sorry Boys, dad says I can't date till I'm 30!"
"Handsome never goes hungry!"

"I'm like so hot"

"I don't know?"

"TOOL - not the band, I'm just a tool"

Taylor saving lives

Taylor donating blood
this is the girl who got Taylor's blood. She is doing much better now

Another holiday

A street play about women's rights/trafficking

Dancing at the cantine. all of the girls are in their best outfits

Friday, August 26, 2011

Nepali Christmas/Valentines day!

Last weekend was a holiday for Krishna's birthday. Krishna is a Hindu god that apparently had 600 wives. Anyway the women travel to his temple to either pray for husbands or if they are married to wish for long lives for their husbands.

A parade through the streets. These girls had to hold this position for over 3 hours.
Taylor with some local kids at Krishna's temple
Krishna's temple

The day Taylor and I decided to climb a mountain

This is the view from outside our apartment. We climbed to the top of the highest peak you can see in the distance.
Taylor and I from the top (4 hours later)
Sunset on the way down. We had to trek in the dark for an hour on the way home.
The villagers from at the top of the mountain at their temple. The lady on the far right taught us how to pray to the rocks inside.
My feet when I got home. Owch.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Taylor's best friend

Taylor in his superhero outfit to impress his friend
This is taylor's best friend (left) his name is monkey man and he is absolutely nuts but loves taylor. Taylor gets him all riled up and then monkey man is unable to calm down until his dad comes to beat him. Is it a prefect friendship? no. but for them it works
Taylor playing with monkey man inside a shop

Taylor and I eating dinner

Dinner at Saraswati's house

Taylor in Nepal

Taylor hurt his ankle just prior to arriving in Nepal so when he rides in the car he lays down all sexy like
Taylor learning Nepali
1st day in Dhading and taylor got a whole sleeve of henna
Taylor crossing the river on the way to Saraswati's house.
Taylor working really hard in Saraswati's shop

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Friday, July 29, 2011

Will's acupuncture

Will working on a in-patient with back problems

Will's work on a stroke victim

The 6 am wakeup cow

just like this ... all morning ....

Thursday, July 28, 2011

3 mo. old baby goat video

More randoms

I found wine in Nepal! It is from Australia tho... Still really good
Me and Krisna the paramedic going to his wife's house on his bike for the afternoon
This kid was obsessed with trying to eat my finger